The code below creates a stored proc that will report if a passed-in Windows folder exists or not. While it avoids using the undocumented xp_fileexist system proc, it uses xp_cmdshell, which in many places is the first thing that gets disabled because of the obvious security ramifications. Still, it's a nice hack if you're working in the file system a lot.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.usp_FolderExist') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE dbo.usp_FolderExist END GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_FolderExist (@FullPathName NVARCHAR(255), @Exists TINYINT OUTPUT) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON -- Remove any trailing slash. DECLARE @TrailingSlash NVARCHAR(255) SET @TrailingSlash = REVERSE(@FullPathName) IF '\' = LEFT(@TrailingSlash, 1) SET @TrailingSlash = SUBSTRING(@TrailingSlash, 2, LEN(@FullPathName) + 1) SET @FullPathName = REVERSE(@TrailingSlash) -- Build and exec the command. DECLARE @Cmd NVARCHAR(4000) SET @Cmd = 'dir ' + @FullPathName SET @Exists = 0 CREATE TABLE #dir (output NVARCHAR(4000)) INSERT INTO #dir EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #dir WHERE output LIKE '%' + @FullPathName + '%') SET @Exists = 1 -- Done. DROP TABLE #dir END /* Test Code set nocount on declare @bExists int set @bExists = 0 exec usp_FolderExist 'C:\Temp', @bExists OUTPUT print @bExists exec usp_FolderExist 'C:\Temp\', @bExists OUTPUT print @bExists */
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