Using SSMS Templates

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) has an oft-overlooked gem called "Templates," which are simply parameterized SQL scripts for common tasks. Having (and maintaining) a personal Template "toolbox" can save you hours of work, and help you create a standard set of debugged, error-checking, exception-handling, idempotent, and commented T-SQL code for both DML and DDL. For a tutorial, see my blog post Using SSMS Templates for Fun and Profit!

My Template Toolbox

Here is my personal "toolbox" of SSMS Templates. The naming convention is "noun_verb_details", for example, "Statistics_Drop_OnTable_00.sql" which makes it much easier to find them. The two digit number at the end represents the version of SQL Server the script was originally written for. As you know, most of what works in SQL Server 2000 still works in SQL Server 2008 - but some things don't, so caveat coder.

Contents of

    ######## Where These Go.txt



    @@ERROR Handler_00.sql



































































































    Insert_OutputTo_ Insert.sql








































Like everything in this blog, this ZIP file is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license, which (and this is my interpretation) allows you to copy, distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this code, even for commercial use, as long as you credit me for the original creation, by at least including the line of code that contains my name. According to Creative Commons, "This is the most accommodating of licenses offered, in terms of what others can do with your works[.]"