This script will change an Operator's name and update all three notification option types the Operator has.
-- Will change from the old Operator to the new Operator for all -- SQL Agent Alerts and Jobs for all three notification options. use msdb set xact_abort on -- Set these variables to the old and new Operator of your choice. -- This is the only code you have to change. declare @OperatorNameOld sysname declare @OperatorNameNew sysname set @OperatorNameOld = 'My Old Operator Name' set @OperatorNameNew = 'My New Operator Name' -- Verify your old operator exists. if not exists (select * from sysoperators where name = @OperatorNameOld) raiserror(' *** @OperatorNameOld ''%s'' does not exist!', 20, 1, @OperatorNameOld) with nowait, log print 'Old operator name is ''' + @OperatorNameOld + ''' ' -- Verify your new operator exists. if not exists (select * from sysoperators where name = @OperatorNameNew) raiserror(' *** @OperatorNameNew ''%s'' does not exist!', 20, 1, @OperatorNameNew) with nowait, log print 'New operator name is ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' ' -- Iterate through the Alerts and change the operator. declare @AlertNameVar sysname declare @IncludeEventDescription tinyint declare cur cursor for select as AlertName, as OperatorNameOld, sa.include_event_description as IncludeEventDescription from sysalerts sa join sysnotifications sn on = sn.alert_id join sysoperators so on sn.operator_id = where = @OperatorNameOld open cur fetch next from cur into @AlertNameVar, @OperatorNameOld, @IncludeEventDescription while @@fetch_status = 0 begin print 'Alert ''' + @AlertNameVar + ''' - adding new operator ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' ' exec sp_add_notification @alert_name = @AlertNameVar, @operator_name = @OperatorNameNew, @notification_method = @IncludeEventDescription print 'Alert ''' + @AlertNameVar + ''' - deleting old operator ''' + @OperatorNameOld + ''' ' exec sp_delete_notification @alert_name = @AlertNameVar, @operator_name = @OperatorNameOld fetch next from cur into @AlertNameVar, @OperatorNameOld, @IncludeEventDescription end close cur deallocate cur -- Iterate through the Jobs and change the operator -- for each of the three kinds of notifications. declare @JobNameVar sysname declare @OperatorNameMailOld sysname declare @OperatorNamePageOld sysname declare @OperatorNameNetSendOld sysname declare cur cursor for select as JobName, as OperatorNameMailOld, as OperatorNamePageOld, as OperatorNameNetSendOld from sysjobs sj left join sysoperators soMail on sj.notify_email_operator_id = left join sysoperators soPage on sj.notify_page_operator_id = left join sysoperators soNetSend on sj.notify_netsend_operator_id = where ( = @OperatorNameOld or = @OperatorNameOld or = @OperatorNameOld) open cur fetch next from cur into @JobNameVar, @OperatorNameMailOld, @OperatorNamePageOld, @OperatorNameNetSendOld while @@fetch_status = 0 begin -- Mail Job notification. if @OperatorNameMailOld is not null begin print 'Job ''' + @JobNameVar + ''' - changing Mail operator name to ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' ' exec msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = @JobNameVar, @notify_email_operator_name = @OperatorNameNew end -- Page Job notification. if @OperatorNamePageOld is not null begin print 'Job ''' + @JobNameVar + ''' - changing Page operator name to ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' ' exec msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = @JobNameVar, @notify_page_operator_name = @OperatorNameNew end -- NetSend Job notification. if @OperatorNameNetSendOld is not null begin print 'Job ''' + @JobNameVar + ''' - changing NetSend operator name to ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' ' exec msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = @JobNameVar, @notify_netsend_operator_name = @OperatorNameNew end fetch next from cur into @JobNameVar, @OperatorNameMailOld, @OperatorNamePageOld, @OperatorNameNetSendOld end close cur deallocate cur -- Delete old operator. exec msdb.dbo.sp_delete_operator @name = @OperatorNameOld print 'Dropped old operator name ''' + @OperatorNameOld + ''' ' go
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