Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Finding All Databases Where User is not in Role

This script will find all the databases (matching a certain pattern) on the server where a given user is not a member of a given role. Because sometimes you need to know that.

-- Be sure to change the User and Role variables. 
declare @Sql      nvarchar(4000)    set @Sql = ''
declare @UserName sysname           set @UserName = 'Larry'
declare @RoleName sysname           set @RoleName = 'db_owner'

set @Sql = 'USE [?]

            IF ''?'' LIKE ''MYDATABASE%''
                IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * 
                                 FROM sys.database_role_members
                                WHERE USER_NAME(role_principal_id)   = ''' + @RoleName + '''
                                  AND USER_NAME(member_principal_id) = ''' + @UserName + ''')
                    RAISERROR(''Database %s - user %s not in role %s'', 10, 1, ''?'',
                              ''' + @UserName + ''', ''' + @RoleName + ''') WITH NOWAIT

exec sp_msforeachdb @Sql

Monday, August 17, 2015

Load all TRC Trace Files in a Folder into a Single Trace Table

This script will load all the trace (*.TRC) files in a given folder into a single trace table. You have to specify the database to create the trace table in, the folder the trace files are in, and the filename prefix (if any). Be careful: trace files can take up a lot of space in a hurry when imported into a table.

-- Load all TRC files in a given folder into a single trace table. 
set nocount on

-- Set these values. 
use MyMaintenanceDatabase
declare @TrcFolderName nvarchar(260)      set @TrcFolderName = 'C:\SQL_Trace\'
declare @TrcFilePrefix nvarchar(260)      set @TrcFilePrefix = 'MySpecificFilenamePrefixIfAny-'

-- Load the TRC filenames into temp table. 
declare @DosCmd nvarchar(4000)
set @DosCmd = 'dir /b ' + @TrcFolderName + @TrcFilePrefix + '*.trc'

if object_id('tempdb..#TrcFiles') is not null
    drop table #TrcFiles

create table #TrcFiles (TrcFileName nvarchar(260))

insert #TrcFiles
    exec master..xp_cmdshell @DosCmd 

delete #TrcFiles
 where TrcFileName is null

-- Iterate the trace files and read them into the trace table. 
declare @TrcFileName  nvarchar(260)
declare @TrcPathName  nvarchar(260)
declare @RowsAffected int

if object_id('dbo.trace_table') is not null
    drop table dbo.trace_table

declare cur cursor for
    select TrcFileName from #TrcFiles 
open cur
fetch next from cur into @TrcFileName

while @@fetch_status = 0
    set @TrcPathName = @TrcFolderName + @TrcFileName
    raiserror('%s', 10, 1, @TrcPathName) with nowait

    if object_id('dbo.trace_table') is null
        select * into dbo.trace_table from ::fn_trace_gettable (@TrcPathName, /* number_files */ 1)
        insert dbo.trace_table
            select * from  ::fn_trace_gettable (@TrcPathName, /* number_files */ 1)

    set @RowsAffected = @@rowcount
    raiserror('   %9d rows inserted', 10, 1, @RowsAffected) with nowait
    fetch next from cur into @TrcFileName

close cur
deallocate cur

-- Quirk in trace: update NULL DatabaseName's from their ID's. 
update dbo.trace_table
   set DatabaseName = db_name(DatabaseID)
 where isnull(DatabaseName, '')  = ''

set @RowsAffected = @@rowcount
raiserror('   %9d NULL DatabaseNames updated from their IDs', 10, 1, @RowsAffected) with nowait

-- Example cleanup: delete all rows that don't show their database. 
delete dbo.trace_table
 where DatabaseName is null

set @RowsAffected = @@rowcount
raiserror('   %9d NULL DatabaseNames deleted', 10, 1, @RowsAffected) with nowait

-- Example results: find unique logins per database per day. 
  select dateadd(dd, 0, datediff(dd, 0, StartTime))   as 'LoginDate'
       , LoginName
       , DatabaseName
    from dbo.trace_table
group by dateadd(dd, 0, datediff(dd, 0, StartTime))
       , LoginName
       , DatabaseName
order by LoginDate desc
       , LoginName
       , DatabaseName

Monday, April 20, 2015

Find Orphaned MDF, NDF and LDF Files on All Drives

Sometimes you run across a server that for one reason or another is full of MDF, NDF, and LDF files that look to be months or years old. Of course, you can't go by the Date Modified timestamp of these files in Windows Explorer, but still, when you see a 300 GB file called "BOBS_TEST_DB.mdf" from three years ago, doesn't your finger inch closer to the 'Delete' key? If only there was a way to tell if any databases were really using files like this...

Well now there is! This script will scan all the fixed drives, looking for MDF, NDF, and LDF files, and then verify they're not being used by any database.Once you find them, I wouldn't just delete them from the disk. The smart thing to do is move them all to another folder, wait a month for someone to complain - or some process to break - and only then delete them.

-- Generates a list of MDF, NDF, and LDF files that do not have a matching      
-- entry in the instance - that is, finds the orphaned ones.  You can exclude   
-- specific drives, and specific folders.                                       

set nocount on

-- Get the set of fixed drives. Some drives you'll want to exclude. 
if object_id('tempdb..#tmpDrives') is not null
    drop table #tmpDrives
create table #tmpDrives
    Drive        char(1) not null,
    MBFreeUnused int     not null

insert #tmpDrives  exec xp_fixeddrives

delete from #tmpDrives
 where Drive in ('C')

-- Iterate through all the fixed drives, looking for database files. 
-- Some files we'll want to delete. 
if object_id('tempdb..#tmpOsFiles') is not null
    drop table #tmpOsFiles
create table #tmpOsFiles
    OsFile varchar(260) null

declare @Drive char(1)
declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)

declare cur cursor for
    select Drive from #tmpDrives

open cur
fetch next from cur into @Drive

while @@fetch_status = 0
    raiserror(@Drive, 10, 1) with nowait

    set @Sql = 'dir ' + @Drive + ':\*.mdf /a-d /a-h /a-s /a-r /b /s'
    insert #tmpOsFiles  exec xp_cmdshell @Sql

    set @Sql = 'dir ' + @Drive + ':\*.ndf /a-d /a-h /a-s /a-r /b /s'
    insert #tmpOsFiles  exec xp_cmdshell @Sql

    set @Sql = 'dir ' + @Drive + ':\*.ldf /a-d /a-h /a-s /a-r /b /s'
    insert #tmpOsFiles  exec xp_cmdshell @Sql

    fetch next from cur into @Drive

close cur
deallocate cur

delete from #tmpOsFiles
 where OsFile is null
    or OsFile = 'File Not Found'
    or OsFile like '%:\$RECYCLE_BIN\%' escape '~' 
    or OsFile like '%:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server%' escape '~' 
    or OsFile like '%:\SW_DVD9_SQL_Svr_Enterprise_Edtn_2008_R2_English_MLF_X16-29540%' escape '~'

-- For each file, get the date modified and the size.  The dir command gives 
-- use a line like this:10/08/2013  02:37 PM            228253 TLXPVSQL01_TSS_ERD.png
alter table #tmpOsFiles
  add DtModified datetime null default(''),
      SizeMB     int      null default('')

declare @Dir    nvarchar(260)
declare @OsFile nvarchar(260)

if object_id('tempdb..#tmpOsFileDetails') is not null
    drop table #tmpOsFileDetails
create table #tmpOsFileDetails
    OsFileDetails nvarchar(4000) null

declare cur cursor for
    select OsFile from #tmpOsFiles

open cur

fetch next from cur into @OsFile

while @@fetch_status = 0
    set @Sql = 'dir "' + @OsFile + '" /-c'
    insert #tmpOsFileDetails  exec xp_cmdshell @Sql

    delete from #tmpOsFileDetails
     where OsFileDetails is null
        or OsFileDetails like '%Volume in drive % is %'
        or OsFileDetails like '%Volume Serial Number is %'
        or OsFileDetails like '%1 File(s) %'
        or OsFileDetails like '%0 Dir(s) %'

    select @Dir = rtrim(ltrim(replace(OsFileDetails, 'Directory of', ''))) + '\'
      from #tmpOsFileDetails
     where OsFileDetails like '%Directory of %'

    delete from #tmpOsFileDetails
     where OsFileDetails like '%Directory of %'
    update #tmpOsFiles
       set DtModified = substring(ofd.OsFileDetails,  1, 20),
           SizeMB     = cast(substring(ofd.OsFileDetails, 21, 19) as bigint) / 1024 / 1024
      from #tmpOsFileDetails   ofd
      join #tmpOsFiles         os
        on os.OsFile = @Dir + substring(ofd.OsFileDetails, 40, 4000)

    delete from #tmpOsFileDetails

    fetch next from cur into @OsFile

close cur
deallocate cur

-- Now list the OS files that don't have an entry in the instance. 
    select os.*
         , datediff(Day, os.DtModified, getdate()) as DaysOld
      from master.sys.master_files   mf
right join #tmpOsFiles               os
        on mf.physical_name = os.OsFile
     where mf.physical_name is null
  order by os.SizeMB desc

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Display Fragmentation on All Indexes in Current Database

This code displays the fragmentation on all indexes in the current database. (It excludes empty tables.)

-- SQL Server 2005+.  Show index fragmentation on all tables on current database. 
set nocount on

declare @DbId smallint
set @DbId = db_id()

  select quotename(db_name())                    as DatabaseName
       , quotename(object_name(ips.object_id))   as TableName
       , quotename(                       as IndexName
       , ips.page_count                          as PageCount
       , ips.page_count * 8 / 1024               as IndexSizeMB
       , ips.fragment_count                      as FragCount
       , ips.avg_fragmentation_in_percent        as AvgFrag
       , ips.index_type_desc                     as IndexType
    from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@DbId, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)   ips
    join sys.indexes                                                     i
      on ips.object_id = i.object_id
     and ips.index_id  = i.index_id
   where i.index_id    <> 0
     and ips.page_count > 0
order by FragCount desc

Display Stale Index Statistics

This query displays all the index statistics in the current database that are more than 'n' days old.

-- When were Statistics last updated on all indexes more than 7 days ago?  
  select                                as 'Table Name'
       ,                                as 'Index Name'
       , stats_date(i.object_id, i.index_id)   as 'Statistics Date'
       , s.auto_created
       , s.no_recompute
       , s.user_created
    from sys.objects   o
    join sys.indexes   i
      on o.object_id = i.object_id
    join sys.stats     s
      on i.object_id = s.object_id
     and i.index_id    = s.stats_id
   where o.type = 'U'
     and datediff(Day, stats_date(i.object_id, i.index_id), getdate()) > 7
order by [Statistics Date] desc

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

CMS: Find All Databases in all Servers that don't have a Specified Table

This code is for CMS (Central Management Servers), and displays all the databases on all the servers that don't have a specified table.

-- For all user databases in all servers, which ones don't have a "Customer" table? 
set nocount on

declare @Schema sysname     set @Schema = 'dbo'
declare @Table  sysname     set @Table  = 'Customer'
declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)

set @Sql =
    'use [?]

    if db_id() > 4
        if object_id(N''' + @Schema + '.' + @Table + ''', N''U'') is null
            print @@SERVERNAME + '': '' + ''?'' + '' - ' + @Schema + '.' + @Table + ' does not exist'''

exec sp_msforeachdb @Sql

Monday, April 13, 2015

Run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE on All Databases in an Instance

A few lines of code for those of us migrating SQL Server 2000 databases to a higher version of SQL Server and having CHECKDB fail because the counts are wrong. This simply runs DBCC UPDATEUSAGE on all the databases in the instance. I can't say it any better than BOL:

Reports and corrects pages and row count inaccuracies in the catalog views. These inaccuracies may cause incorrect space usage reports returned by the sp_spaceused system stored procedure. In SQL Server 2005, these values are always maintained correctly. Databases created on SQL Server 2005 should never experience incorrect counts, however, databases upgraded to SQL Server 2005 may contain invalid counts. We recommend running DBCC UPDATEUSAGE after upgrading to SQL Server 2005 to correct any invalid counts.

-- This can take a while.... 
set nocount on
declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)
set @Sql = 'RAISERROR(''?'', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT; DBCC UPDATEUSAGE ([?])'
exec sp_MSforeachdb @Sql

Interestingly, even for SQL Server 2014, BOL says this:

Consider running DBCC UPDATEUSAGE routinely (for example, weekly) only if the database undergoes frequent Data Definition Language (DDL) modifications, such as CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statements.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Adding a User to Multiple Databases

Everyone seems to have their own version. Mine is as simple as I could make it. Make sure you create the LOGIN first, and set the @User variable in the code below.

Assumes you have already created a login named @User . 
set nocount on

declare @User sysname
set @User = 'trespasserswill'                  -- Change this!! 

declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)

set @Sql =
    use [?]

    if db_id() > 4
        print ''?''
        create user ' + quotename(@User) + ' for login ' + quotename(@User) + '
        exec sp_addrolemember ''db_datareader'', ''' + @user + '''
        exec sp_addrolemember ''db_datawriter'', ''' + @user + '''

exec sp_MSForEachDB @Sql

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Display All Databases Using FULL Recovery Model, Yet Having No Log Backups

If a database is using the FULL Recovery Model, it obviously needs to be doing log backups - otherwise the log will eventually fill the disk (your "eventually" may vary). If you don't need log backups, change the database to SIMPLE Recovery Model and sleep easier at night. But, you know how it is - one way or another, databases wind up in this mongrel state. Run this script on your oldest server - you'll probably be surprised.

This script also prints out the T-SQL command to set each database to SIMPLE Recovery Model, so you can just copy and paste.

-- Find databases in FULL Recovery Model with no log backups. 
   SELECT                                            AS 'DatabaseName'
        , MAX(db.recovery_model_desc)                       AS 'Model'
        , MAX(ISNULL(b.backup_finish_date, '1900-01-01'))   AS 'LogBackupFinishDate'
        + '  SET RECOVERY SIMPLE WITH NO_WAIT'              AS 'SqlStatement'
     FROM sys.sysdatabases   d
     JOIN sys.databases      db
       ON d.dbid = db.database_id
LEFT JOIN msdb..backupset    b
       ON b.database_name =
      AND b.type          = 'L'
    WHERE db.recovery_model_desc = 'FULL'
      AND db.state_desc          = 'ONLINE'
      AND db.database_id         > 4
      AND db.is_read_only        = 0
   HAVING MAX(ISNULL(b.backup_finish_date, '1900-01-01')) < DATEADD(Day, -180, GETDATE())

Script to verify if "Instant File Initialization" is Enabled

Instant file initialization is a wonderful feature of the Windows file system - not of SQL Server, please note -- that allows the server to allocate disk pages without having to set each bit to zero. You can imagine the time savings when SQL Server is, say, adding a GB to a data file. Note that because of the way they embedded information in the first few bytes of the actual pages of the log files themselves - sigh - log files can't use Instant File Initialization. But still, it's a must-have (unless the idea of having old data laying around in your pages gives your security people the willies - best check with them). You can find lots of info about this all over the web, but here's a little script that will verify that you've jumped through all the hoops correctly.

--  Once you have added the SQL Server security account to this security policy 
--  you need to then execute gpupdate /force from the command prompt and restart 
--  the SQL Service for this change to take effect.

USE master

-- If a database named DummyTestDB_VerifyIFI already exists drop it. 

-- Temp table to hold output from sp_readerrorlog. 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SqlLogs') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #SqlLogs


CREATE TABLE #SqlLogs(LogDate datetime, ProcessInfo VARCHAR(20), TEXT VARCHAR(MAX))

-- Turn on trace flags 3004 and 3605. 

-- Create a dummy database to see the output in the SQL Server Errorlog. 

-- Turn off trace flags 3004 and 3605. 

-- Remove the dummy database. 

-- Now go check the output in the current SQL Server errorlog File. 
-- This can take a while if you have a large errorlog file. 
INSERT INTO #SqlLogs(LogDate, ProcessInfo, TEXT)
    EXEC sp_readerrorlog 0, 1, 'Zeroing'

            WHERE TEXT LIKE 'Zeroing completed%'
              AND TEXT LIKE '%DummyTestDB_VerifyIFI.mdf%'
              AND LogDate > DATEADD(HOUR, -1, LogDate))
    PRINT 'We do NOT have instant file initialization.'
    PRINT 'We have instant file initialization.'

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Rename SQL Agent Operator and all its Notifications

This script will change an Operator's name and update all three notification option types the Operator has.

-- Will change from the old Operator to the new Operator for all 
-- SQL Agent Alerts and Jobs for all three notification options. 
use msdb
set xact_abort on

-- Set these variables to the old and new Operator of your choice. 
-- This is the only code you have to change. 
declare @OperatorNameOld sysname
declare @OperatorNameNew sysname
set @OperatorNameOld = 'My Old Operator Name'
set @OperatorNameNew = 'My New Operator Name'

-- Verify your old operator exists. 
if not exists (select * from sysoperators where name = @OperatorNameOld)
    raiserror('   *** @OperatorNameOld ''%s'' does not exist!', 20, 1, @OperatorNameOld) with nowait, log

print 'Old operator name is ''' + @OperatorNameOld + ''' '

-- Verify your new operator exists. 
if not exists (select * from sysoperators where name = @OperatorNameNew)
    raiserror('   *** @OperatorNameNew ''%s'' does not exist!', 20, 1, @OperatorNameNew) with nowait, log

print 'New operator name is ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' '

-- Iterate through the Alerts and change the operator. 
declare @AlertNameVar            sysname
declare @IncludeEventDescription tinyint

declare cur cursor for
    select                        as AlertName,
                         as OperatorNameOld,
           sa.include_event_description   as IncludeEventDescription
      from sysalerts          sa
      join sysnotifications   sn
        on = sn.alert_id
      join sysoperators       so
        on sn.operator_id =
     where = @OperatorNameOld

open cur
fetch next from cur into @AlertNameVar, @OperatorNameOld, @IncludeEventDescription

while @@fetch_status = 0
    print 'Alert ''' + @AlertNameVar + ''' - adding new operator ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' '

    exec sp_add_notification
        @alert_name          = @AlertNameVar,
        @operator_name       = @OperatorNameNew,
        @notification_method = @IncludeEventDescription

    print 'Alert ''' + @AlertNameVar + ''' - deleting old operator ''' + @OperatorNameOld + ''' '

    exec sp_delete_notification
        @alert_name    = @AlertNameVar,
        @operator_name = @OperatorNameOld

    fetch next from cur into @AlertNameVar, @OperatorNameOld, @IncludeEventDescription

close cur
deallocate cur

-- Iterate through the Jobs and change the operator 
-- for each of the three kinds of notifications. 
declare @JobNameVar             sysname
declare @OperatorNameMailOld    sysname
declare @OperatorNamePageOld    sysname
declare @OperatorNameNetSendOld sysname

declare cur cursor for
    select          as JobName,
       as OperatorNameMailOld,
       as OperatorNamePageOld,
    as OperatorNameNetSendOld
      from sysjobs        sj
 left join sysoperators   soMail
        on sj.notify_email_operator_id =
 left join sysoperators   soPage
        on sj.notify_page_operator_id =
 left join sysoperators   soNetSend
        on sj.notify_netsend_operator_id =
     where (    = @OperatorNameOld
        or    = @OperatorNameOld
        or = @OperatorNameOld)

open cur
fetch next from cur into @JobNameVar, @OperatorNameMailOld, @OperatorNamePageOld, @OperatorNameNetSendOld

while @@fetch_status = 0
    -- Mail Job notification. 
    if @OperatorNameMailOld is not null
        print 'Job ''' + @JobNameVar + ''' - changing Mail operator name to ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' '

        exec msdb.dbo.sp_update_job 
            @job_name                   = @JobNameVar, 
            @notify_email_operator_name = @OperatorNameNew

    -- Page Job notification. 
    if @OperatorNamePageOld is not null
        print 'Job ''' + @JobNameVar + ''' - changing Page operator name to ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' '

        exec msdb.dbo.sp_update_job 
            @job_name                  = @JobNameVar, 
            @notify_page_operator_name = @OperatorNameNew

    -- NetSend Job notification. 
    if @OperatorNameNetSendOld is not null
        print 'Job ''' + @JobNameVar + ''' - changing NetSend operator name to ''' + @OperatorNameNew + ''' '

        exec msdb.dbo.sp_update_job 
            @job_name                     = @JobNameVar, 
            @notify_netsend_operator_name = @OperatorNameNew

    fetch next from cur into @JobNameVar, @OperatorNameMailOld, @OperatorNamePageOld, @OperatorNameNetSendOld

close cur
deallocate cur

-- Delete old operator. 
exec msdb.dbo.sp_delete_operator @name = @OperatorNameOld
print 'Dropped old operator name ''' + @OperatorNameOld + ''' '


How to Find Operators with a Specific Email Address

This is one of those that I can never remember, for some reason. This is very handy in CMS, where you can search all your servers at once.

-- Find Operator for email address. 
  select distinct     as 'Operator Name'
       , o.email_address     as 'Email Address'
    from msdb..sysoperators   o
   where @@servername not like 'BAD_SERVERS%'
     and o.email_address = ''
order by
       , o.email_address

Monday, January 19, 2015

Using "msdb.dbo.agent_datetime" to Simplify Working with sysjobhistory

Just learned about the undocumented msdb.dbo.agent_datetime() function. Where has this been all my life? It takes an 8 digit date and a 6-digit time and converts it to a DATETIME - quite a time-saver.

-- An example of where it's really handy. 
        , jh.run_date
        , jh.run_time
        , msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(jh.run_date, jh.run_time)   as 'RunDate'
        , jh.step_id
        , jh.step_name
        , jh.message
     from msdb.dbo.sysjobs         j
     join msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory   jh
       on j.job_id = jh.job_id
 order by msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(run_date, run_time) desc

Beats trying to work with those columns yourself... but remember it's undocumented.