Sometimes you run across a server that for one reason or another is full of MDF, NDF, and LDF files that look to be months or years old. Of course, you can't go by the Date Modified timestamp of these files in Windows Explorer, but still, when you see a 300 GB file called "BOBS_TEST_DB.mdf" from three years ago, doesn't your finger inch closer to the 'Delete' key? If only there was a way to tell if any databases were really using files like this...
Well now there is! This script will scan all the fixed drives, looking for MDF, NDF, and LDF files, and then verify they're not being used by any database.Once you find them, I wouldn't just delete them from the disk. The smart thing to do is move them all to another folder, wait a month for someone to complain - or some process to break - and only then delete them.
set nocount on
if object_id('tempdb..#tmpDrives') is not null
drop table #tmpDrives
create table #tmpDrives
Drive char(1) not null,
MBFreeUnused int not null
insert #tmpDrives exec xp_fixeddrives
delete from #tmpDrives
where Drive in ('C')
if object_id('tempdb..#tmpOsFiles') is not null
drop table #tmpOsFiles
create table #tmpOsFiles
OsFile varchar(260) null
declare @Drive char(1)
declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)
declare cur cursor for
select Drive from #tmpDrives
open cur
fetch next from cur into @Drive
while @@fetch_status = 0
raiserror(@Drive, 10, 1) with nowait
set @Sql = 'dir ' + @Drive + ':\*.mdf /a-d /a-h /a-s /a-r /b /s'
insert #tmpOsFiles exec xp_cmdshell @Sql
set @Sql = 'dir ' + @Drive + ':\*.ndf /a-d /a-h /a-s /a-r /b /s'
insert #tmpOsFiles exec xp_cmdshell @Sql
set @Sql = 'dir ' + @Drive + ':\*.ldf /a-d /a-h /a-s /a-r /b /s'
insert #tmpOsFiles exec xp_cmdshell @Sql
fetch next from cur into @Drive
close cur
deallocate cur
delete from #tmpOsFiles
where OsFile is null
or OsFile = 'File Not Found'
or OsFile like '%:\$RECYCLE_BIN\%' escape '~'
or OsFile like '%:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server%' escape '~'
or OsFile like '%:\SW_DVD9_SQL_Svr_Enterprise_Edtn_2008_R2_English_MLF_X16-29540%' escape '~'
alter table #tmpOsFiles
add DtModified datetime null default(''),
SizeMB int null default('')
declare @Dir nvarchar(260)
declare @OsFile nvarchar(260)
if object_id('tempdb..#tmpOsFileDetails') is not null
drop table #tmpOsFileDetails
create table #tmpOsFileDetails
OsFileDetails nvarchar(4000) null
declare cur cursor for
select OsFile from #tmpOsFiles
open cur
fetch next from cur into @OsFile
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @Sql = 'dir "' + @OsFile + '" /-c'
insert #tmpOsFileDetails exec xp_cmdshell @Sql
delete from #tmpOsFileDetails
where OsFileDetails is null
or OsFileDetails like '%Volume in drive % is %'
or OsFileDetails like '%Volume Serial Number is %'
or OsFileDetails like '%1 File(s) %'
or OsFileDetails like '%0 Dir(s) %'
select @Dir = rtrim(ltrim(replace(OsFileDetails, 'Directory of', ''))) + '\'
from #tmpOsFileDetails
where OsFileDetails like '%Directory of %'
delete from #tmpOsFileDetails
where OsFileDetails like '%Directory of %'
update #tmpOsFiles
set DtModified = substring(ofd.OsFileDetails, 1, 20),
SizeMB = cast(substring(ofd.OsFileDetails, 21, 19) as bigint) / 1024 / 1024
from #tmpOsFileDetails ofd
join #tmpOsFiles os
on os.OsFile = @Dir + substring(ofd.OsFileDetails, 40, 4000)
delete from #tmpOsFileDetails
fetch next from cur into @OsFile
close cur
deallocate cur
select os.*
, datediff(Day, os.DtModified, getdate()) as DaysOld
from master.sys.master_files mf
right join #tmpOsFiles os
on mf.physical_name = os.OsFile
where mf.physical_name is null
order by os.SizeMB desc