For some reason, the run_duration column of the sysjobhistory system table is stored as an integer in HHMMSS format. I don't know who thought this was a good idea, but here's some code to list all your Jobs' history, with their duration in units of seconds.
-- Note that, hilariously, "run_duration" is an INT in HHMMSS format.
use msdb
set nocount on
select jh.server as 'Server Name'
, convert(datetime, convert(varchar(8), jh.run_date)) as 'Run Date'
, sum(jh.run_duration / 10000 * 3600
+ jh.run_duration % 10000 / 100 * 60
+ jh.run_duration % 100) as 'Duration Seconds'
from sysjobs j
join sysjobhistory jh
on j.job_id = jh.job_id
where j.enabled = 1
and jh.step_id = 1
and jh.run_status = 1
group by jh.server
, jh.run_date
order by jh.run_date
, jh.server
They have also entered the run_date and run_time as separate date and time fields in a non-datetime format. :/
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