A quick script to display the total size each database, taking into account multiple MDF and LDF files.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the total size of all databases' mdf and ldf files, and the grand -- total of the two. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create the temp table. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##t') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##t CREATE TABLE ##t ( [Database] sysname, [File Type] NVARCHAR(50), [Size (MB)] BIGINT ) -- Populate the temp table with value for all the mdf and ldf files for all databases. DECLARE @CrLf CHAR(2) SET @CrLf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @Sql = 'USE ? ' + @CrLf + '' + @CrLf + 'INSERT ##t ' + @CrLf + ' SELECT ''?'' ' + @CrLf + ' , type_desc ' + @CrLf + ' , CAST(Size AS BIGINT) * (8 * 1024) / 1024 / 1024 ' + @CrLf + ' FROM sys.database_files ' EXEC sp_msforeachdb @Sql -- Calculate the grand total (mdf files' sizes + ldf files' sizes; add to temp table. SET @Sql = 'USE ? ' + @CrLf + '' + @CrLf + 'INSERT ##t ' + @CrLf + ' SELECT ''?'' ' + @CrLf + ' , '' - TOTAL - '' ' + @CrLf + ' , CAST(SUM(Size) AS BIGINT) * (8 * 1024) / 1024 / 1024 ' + @CrLf + ' FROM sys.database_files ' EXEC sp_msforeachdb @Sql -- Display the totals for each database and file type. SELECT [Database], [File Type], SUM([Size (MB)]) AS 'Size (MB)' FROM ##t GROUP BY [Database], [File Type] ORDER BY [File Type] DESC, [Size (MB)] DESC IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##t') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##t
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