If you're like me, you use a third-party tool to compare SQL Server database schemas. No matter how hard we try to keep schemas in synch, some little change always creeps in, and being able to confirm that two database schemas are exactly alike helps us sleep at night.
Schemas can differ in important ways (who added that stored procedure?) or in seemingly trivial ways (okay, there's an extra space at the end of the column, I can live with that). One difference that may seem trivial, but isn't, is statistics, specifically column statistics. I learned that the hard way years ago, when I published an upgrade script that tried to drop a column from a table: the script failed for some users, because that column happened to have a statistics object on it. Turns out you can't drop a column with statistics: you have to drop the statistics first. Didn't know that.
Another annoying thing about statistics is that if the system creates them, they'll end up with random (sorry, arbitrary) names, and of course the names will be different between databases. This becomes an issue when you're trying to prove that two schemas are the same, and the screen is cluttered with these bogus differences. Yeah, I could disable checking statistics names entirely in my third-party tool, but that's just... No.
So, here's a script that will drop all the column statistics on all the tables in the current database, and then manually re-creates them. Not something you'd want to do on a production machine during peak hours, but very handy in a development environment.
-- Drop all column statistics on all tables. We join sys.tables to ensure -- these are user (not system) tables. Note that statistics for indexes -- cannot be dropped; the index itself has to be dropped to get rid of its -- statistics. DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @Sql = '' DECLARE @TableName sysname SET @TableName = '' DECLARE @StatsName sysname SET @StatsName = '' DECLARE cur CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT OBJECT_NAME(s.object_id) AS 'TableName' , s.name AS 'StatsName' FROM sys.stats s JOIN sys.tables t ON s.object_id = t.object_id WHERE s.object_id > 100 AND s.name NOT IN (SELECT name FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = s.object_id) OPEN cur FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @TableName, @StatsName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @Sql = 'DROP STATISTICS ' + QUOTENAME(@TableName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@StatsName) PRINT @Sql EXEC sp_executesql @Sql FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @TableName, @StatsName END CLOSE cur DEALLOCATE cur -- Create the statistics for all tables and columns in the database that don't -- already exist. This is much easier than using CREATE STATISTICS on each -- table, as you can only do 16 columns at a time, and have to name them each. RAISERROR('Creating statistics on all tables and columns that are missing them', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG EXEC sp_createstats @indexonly = 'NO', @fullscan = 'FULLSCAN', @norecompute ='NO' -- Set the automatic UPDATE STATISTICS setting to 'ON' for all indexes and -- statistics for all tables and indexed views in the database. RAISERROR('Running sp_autostats for all tables...', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG EXEC sp_MSforeachtable ' PRINT ''?'' EXEC sp_autostats ''?'', @flagc = ''ON'' ' -- Display the new names of the column indexes. SELECT OBJECT_NAME(s.object_id) AS 'TableName' , s.name AS 'StatsName' FROM sys.stats s JOIN sys.tables t ON s.object_id = t.object_id WHERE s.object_id > 100 AND s.name NOT IN (SELECT name FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = s.object_id)
What can you expect from this script? Well, I ran this against my local ReportServer database (I'm not recommending that you do that, mind you), and got the following results:
DROP STATISTICS [ConfigurationInfo].[_WA_Sys_00000003_0425A276] DROP STATISTICS [Catalog].[_WA_Sys_00000014_060DEAE8] DROP STATISTICS [Users].[_WA_Sys_00000004_1273C1CD] DROP STATISTICS [Users].[_WA_Sys_00000003_1273C1CD] DROP STATISTICS [Users].[_WA_Sys_00000005_1273C1CD] DROP STATISTICS [Policies].[_WA_Sys_00000002_173876EA] DROP STATISTICS [ModelItemPolicy].[_WA_Sys_00000004_1920BF5C] DROP STATISTICS [SecData].[_WA_Sys_00000003_1B0907CE] DROP STATISTICS [Event].[_WA_Sys_00000007_2A4B4B5E] DROP STATISTICS [Event].[_WA_Sys_00000006_2A4B4B5E] DROP STATISTICS [Subscriptions].[_WA_Sys_00000010_2D27B809] DROP STATISTICS [SnapshotData].[_WA_Sys_00000009_34C8D9D1] DROP STATISTICS [SnapshotData].[_WA_Sys_0000000A_34C8D9D1] DROP STATISTICS [ChunkData].[_WA_Sys_00000005_36B12243] DROP STATISTICS [ChunkData].[_WA_Sys_00000004_36B12243] DROP STATISTICS [Notifications].[_WA_Sys_00000012_3A81B327] DROP STATISTICS [Notifications].[_WA_Sys_0000000C_3A81B327] DROP STATISTICS [Notifications].[_WA_Sys_00000011_3A81B327] DROP STATISTICS [Notifications].[_WA_Sys_0000000F_3A81B327] DROP STATISTICS [Notifications].[_WA_Sys_00000004_3A81B327] DROP STATISTICS [RunningJobs].[_WA_Sys_0000000A_48CFD27E] DROP STATISTICS [RunningJobs].[_WA_Sys_00000006_48CFD27E] DROP STATISTICS [RunningJobs].[_WA_Sys_00000008_48CFD27E] DROP STATISTICS [RunningJobs].[_WA_Sys_00000002_48CFD27E] DROP STATISTICS [DBUpgradeHistory].[_WA_Sys_00000002_731B1205] DROP STATISTICS [Keys].[_WA_Sys_00000004_7E6CC920] DROP STATISTICS [Keys].[_WA_Sys_00000006_7E6CC920] Creating statistics on all tables and columns that are missing them Table 'ReportServer.dbo.History': Creating statistics for the following columns: SnapshotDate Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ConfigurationInfo': Creating statistics for the following columns: Value Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Catalog': Creating statistics for the following columns: Name Content Intermediate Property Description Hidden CreatedByID CreationDate ModifiedByID ModifiedDate MimeType SnapshotLimit Parameter PolicyID PolicyRoot ExecutionFlag ExecutionTime SubType ComponentID Table 'ReportServer.dbo.UpgradeInfo': Creating statistics for the following columns: Status Table 'ReportServer.dbo.SubscriptionsBeingDeleted': Creating statistics for the following columns: CreationDate Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ModelDrill': Creating statistics for the following columns: ReportID ModelItemID Type Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Segment': Creating statistics for the following columns: Content Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ChunkSegmentMapping': Creating statistics for the following columns: StartByte LogicalByteCount ActualByteCount Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ModelPerspective': Creating statistics for the following columns: ID PerspectiveID PerspectiveName PerspectiveDescription Table 'ReportServer.dbo.CachePolicy': Creating statistics for the following columns: ExpirationFlags CacheExpiration Table 'ReportServer.dbo.SegmentedChunk': Creating statistics for the following columns: ChunkFlags ChunkName ChunkType Version MimeType Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Users': Creating statistics for the following columns: UserType AuthType UserName Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ExecutionLogStorage': Creating statistics for the following columns: InstanceName ReportID UserName ExecutionId RequestType Format Parameters ReportAction TimeEnd TimeDataRetrieval TimeProcessing TimeRendering Source Status ByteCount RowCount Table 'ReportServer.dbo.DataSource': Creating statistics for the following columns: Name Extension Link CredentialRetrieval Prompt ConnectionString OriginalConnectionString OriginalConnectStringExpressionBased UserName Password Flags Version Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Policies': Creating statistics for the following columns: PolicyFlag Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ModelItemPolicy': Creating statistics for the following columns: ModelItemID PolicyID Table 'ReportServer.dbo.SecData': Creating statistics for the following columns: AuthType XmlDescription NtSecDescPrimary NtSecDescSecondary Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Roles': Creating statistics for the following columns: Description TaskMask RoleFlags Table 'ReportServer.dbo.PolicyUserRole': Creating statistics for the following columns: UserID PolicyID Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Event': Creating statistics for the following columns: EventType EventData ProcessHeartbeat BatchID Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions': Creating statistics for the following columns: OwnerID Report_OID Locale InactiveFlags ExtensionSettings ModifiedByID ModifiedDate Description LastStatus EventType MatchData LastRunTime Parameters DataSettings DeliveryExtension Version ReportZone Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ActiveSubscriptions': Creating statistics for the following columns: SubscriptionID TotalNotifications TotalSuccesses TotalFailures Table 'ReportServer.dbo.SnapshotData': Creating statistics for the following columns: CreatedDate ParamsHash QueryParams EffectiveParams Description DependsOnUser TransientRefcount ExpirationDate PageCount HasDocMap PaginationMode ProcessingFlags Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ChunkData': Creating statistics for the following columns: ChunkFlags ChunkName ChunkType Version MimeType Content Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Notifications': Creating statistics for the following columns: SubscriptionID ActivationID ReportID SnapShotDate ExtensionSettings Locale Parameters Attempt SubscriptionLastRunTime DeliveryExtension SubscriptionOwnerID IsDataDriven BatchID ProcessHeartbeat Version ReportZone Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Batch': Creating statistics for the following columns: Action Item Parent Param BoolParam Content Properties Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Schedule': Creating statistics for the following columns: StartDate Flags NextRunTime LastRunTime EndDate RecurrenceType MinutesInterval DaysInterval WeeksInterval DaysOfWeek DaysOfMonth Month MonthlyWeek State LastRunStatus ScheduledRunTimeout CreatedById EventType EventData Type ConsistancyCheck Path Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ReportSchedule': Creating statistics for the following columns: ReportAction Table 'ReportServer.dbo.RunningJobs': Creating statistics for the following columns: StartDate RequestName RequestPath UserId Description Timeout JobAction JobType JobStatus Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ServerParametersInstance': Creating statistics for the following columns: ParentID Path CreateDate ModifiedDate Timeout ParametersValues Table 'ReportServer.dbo.DBUpgradeHistory': Creating statistics for the following columns: DbVersion User DateTime Table 'ReportServer.sys.queue_messages_1977058079': Creating statistics for the following columns: priority queuing_order conversation_group_id conversation_handle message_sequence_number message_id message_type_id service_id service_contract_id validation next_fragment fragment_size fragment_bitmap binary_message_body Table 'ReportServer.sys.queue_messages_2009058193': Creating statistics for the following columns: priority queuing_order conversation_group_id conversation_handle message_sequence_number message_id message_type_id service_id service_contract_id validation next_fragment fragment_size fragment_bitmap binary_message_body Table 'ReportServer.dbo.DataSets': Creating statistics for the following columns: Name Table 'ReportServer.sys.queue_messages_2041058307': Creating statistics for the following columns: priority queuing_order conversation_group_id conversation_handle message_sequence_number message_id message_type_id service_id service_contract_id validation next_fragment fragment_size fragment_bitmap binary_message_body Table 'ReportServer.sys.filestream_tombstone_2073058421': Creating statistics for the following columns: oplsn_bOffset oplsn_slotid rowset_guid column_guid filestream_value_name transaction_sequence_num status Table 'ReportServer.sys.syscommittab': Creating statistics for the following columns: commit_lbn commit_csn commit_time dbfragid Table 'ReportServer.dbo.Keys': Creating statistics for the following columns: MachineName InstanceName Client PublicKey SymmetricKey Table 'ReportServer.dbo.ServerUpgradeHistory': Creating statistics for the following columns: ServerVersion User DateTime Statistics have been created for the 253 listed columns of the above tables. Running sp_autostats for all tables... [dbo].[History] [dbo].[ConfigurationInfo] [dbo].[Catalog] [dbo].[UpgradeInfo] [dbo].[SubscriptionsBeingDeleted] [dbo].[ModelDrill] [dbo].[Segment] [dbo].[ChunkSegmentMapping] [dbo].[ModelPerspective] [dbo].[CachePolicy] [dbo].[SegmentedChunk] [dbo].[Users] [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] [dbo].[DataSource] [dbo].[Policies] [dbo].[ModelItemPolicy] [dbo].[SecData] [dbo].[Roles] [dbo].[PolicyUserRole] [dbo].[Event] [dbo].[Subscriptions] [dbo].[ActiveSubscriptions] [dbo].[SnapshotData] [dbo].[ChunkData] [dbo].[Notifications] [dbo].[Batch] [dbo].[Schedule] [dbo].[ReportSchedule] [dbo].[RunningJobs] [dbo].[ServerParametersInstance] [dbo].[DBUpgradeHistory] [dbo].[DataSets] [dbo].[Keys] [dbo].[ServerUpgradeHistory] TableName StatsName History SnapshotDate ConfigurationInfo Value Catalog Name Catalog Content Catalog Intermediate Catalog Property Catalog Description Catalog Hidden Catalog CreatedByID Catalog CreationDate Catalog ModifiedByID Catalog ModifiedDate Catalog MimeType Catalog SnapshotLimit Catalog Parameter Catalog PolicyID Catalog PolicyRoot Catalog ExecutionFlag Catalog ExecutionTime Catalog SubType Catalog ComponentID UpgradeInfo Status SubscriptionsBeingDeleted CreationDate ModelDrill ReportID ModelDrill ModelItemID ModelDrill Type Segment Content ChunkSegmentMapping StartByte ChunkSegmentMapping LogicalByteCount ChunkSegmentMapping ActualByteCount ModelPerspective ID ModelPerspective PerspectiveID ModelPerspective PerspectiveName ModelPerspective PerspectiveDescription CachePolicy ExpirationFlags CachePolicy CacheExpiration SegmentedChunk ChunkFlags SegmentedChunk ChunkName SegmentedChunk ChunkType SegmentedChunk Version SegmentedChunk MimeType Users UserType Users AuthType Users UserName ExecutionLogStorage InstanceName ExecutionLogStorage ReportID ExecutionLogStorage UserName ExecutionLogStorage ExecutionId ExecutionLogStorage RequestType ExecutionLogStorage Format ExecutionLogStorage Parameters ExecutionLogStorage ReportAction ExecutionLogStorage TimeEnd ExecutionLogStorage TimeDataRetrieval ExecutionLogStorage TimeProcessing ExecutionLogStorage TimeRendering ExecutionLogStorage Source ExecutionLogStorage Status ExecutionLogStorage ByteCount ExecutionLogStorage RowCount DataSource Name DataSource Extension DataSource Link DataSource CredentialRetrieval DataSource Prompt DataSource ConnectionString DataSource OriginalConnectionString DataSource OriginalConnectStringExpressionBased DataSource UserName DataSource Password DataSource Flags DataSource Version Policies PolicyFlag ModelItemPolicy ModelItemID ModelItemPolicy PolicyID SecData AuthType SecData XmlDescription SecData NtSecDescPrimary SecData NtSecDescSecondary Roles Description Roles TaskMask Roles RoleFlags PolicyUserRole UserID PolicyUserRole PolicyID Event EventType Event EventData Event ProcessHeartbeat Event BatchID Subscriptions OwnerID Subscriptions Report_OID Subscriptions Locale Subscriptions InactiveFlags Subscriptions ExtensionSettings Subscriptions ModifiedByID Subscriptions ModifiedDate Subscriptions Description Subscriptions LastStatus Subscriptions EventType Subscriptions MatchData Subscriptions LastRunTime Subscriptions Parameters Subscriptions DataSettings Subscriptions DeliveryExtension Subscriptions Version Subscriptions ReportZone ActiveSubscriptions SubscriptionID ActiveSubscriptions TotalNotifications ActiveSubscriptions TotalSuccesses ActiveSubscriptions TotalFailures SnapshotData CreatedDate SnapshotData ParamsHash SnapshotData QueryParams SnapshotData EffectiveParams SnapshotData Description SnapshotData DependsOnUser SnapshotData TransientRefcount SnapshotData ExpirationDate SnapshotData PageCount SnapshotData HasDocMap SnapshotData PaginationMode SnapshotData ProcessingFlags ChunkData ChunkFlags ChunkData ChunkName ChunkData ChunkType ChunkData Version ChunkData MimeType ChunkData Content Notifications SubscriptionID Notifications ActivationID Notifications ReportID Notifications SnapShotDate Notifications ExtensionSettings Notifications Locale Notifications Parameters Notifications Attempt Notifications SubscriptionLastRunTime Notifications DeliveryExtension Notifications SubscriptionOwnerID Notifications IsDataDriven Notifications BatchID Notifications ProcessHeartbeat Notifications Version Notifications ReportZone Batch Action Batch Item Batch Parent Batch Param Batch BoolParam Batch Content Batch Properties Schedule StartDate Schedule Flags Schedule NextRunTime Schedule LastRunTime Schedule EndDate Schedule RecurrenceType Schedule MinutesInterval Schedule DaysInterval Schedule WeeksInterval Schedule DaysOfWeek Schedule DaysOfMonth Schedule Month Schedule MonthlyWeek Schedule State Schedule LastRunStatus Schedule ScheduledRunTimeout Schedule CreatedById Schedule EventType Schedule EventData Schedule Type Schedule ConsistancyCheck Schedule Path RunningJobs StartDate RunningJobs RequestName RunningJobs RequestPath RunningJobs UserId RunningJobs Description RunningJobs Timeout RunningJobs JobAction RunningJobs JobType RunningJobs JobStatus ServerParametersInstance ParentID ServerParametersInstance Path ServerParametersInstance CreateDate ServerParametersInstance ModifiedDate ServerParametersInstance Timeout ServerParametersInstance ParametersValues DBUpgradeHistory DbVersion DBUpgradeHistory User DBUpgradeHistory DateTime DataSets Name Keys MachineName Keys InstanceName Keys Client Keys PublicKey Keys SymmetricKey ServerUpgradeHistory ServerVersion ServerUpgradeHistory User ServerUpgradeHistory DateTime
Note that the arbitrarily named column statistics such as [ConfigurationInfo].[_WA_Sys_00000003_0425A276] got renamed to the more standard (and thus, more easily-compared) name [ConfigurationInfo].[Value].
Thank you so much helped alot..
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