Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fix for 'USE dbname' Failing Randomly

Have you ever gotten an error message that you just couldn't figure out? A while back, and for about a year, a certain T-SQL script was giving me this error message:

Cannot find database 'SALES' in system tables.

This error message occured randomly every month or so, and with no cause-and-effect pattern that I could see. I couldn't reproduce it. It didn't fail when I ran it manually - but every time it happenned, it usually happened two or three times in a row. This gave me a series of tiny "windows of opportunity" in which to debug the problem.

After about a year (on and off), I had it narrowed down to one line of code - if I removed this line, the script ran correctly every time:

USE [Sales]

Now, the 'Sales' database was quite demonstrably there. Googling for the error message turned up one (unhelpful) hit. So, I started by dropping and re-creating the database. No joy. Next, I re-installed SQL Server. No joy. I re-imaged the machine, to re-install the operating system. I re-imaged the machine using a different operating system. I tried all of this again on a different machine. No joy. I was stymied.

I had long ago removed all the T-SQL code from this script that wasn't absolutely necessary, so now I started to re-write the script, line by line, using different keywords, constant values, and variable names. (Yes, by now I was on a mission.) Finally, I discovered the cause: it only happened when the script contained the SYSNAME datatype: changing it to NVARCHAR(128) fixed it! Hurray!

But wait: that doesn't make any sense. As BOL points out:

SQL Server 2005 Books Online (November 2008)
... sysname is used for table columns, variables, and stored procedure parameters that store object names. The exact definition of sysname is related to the rules for identifiers; therefore, it can vary between instances of SQL Server. sysname is functionally equivalent to nvarchar(128). (Emphasis added.)

If sysname and nvarchar(128) are "functionally equivalent", why would changing from one to the other fix the error message? Well, a little farther down in BOL, there's this:

In databases that are case-sensitive, or that have a binary collation, sysname is recognized as a SQL Server system data type only if it appears in lowercase.

So, that was the problem: I had used SYSNAME instead of sysname.

Actually, the root cause was having collation specifiers spread all higgledy-piggledy on our databases, tables, and columns, sometime specified, sometimes not. Somewhere, one of them had a case-sensitive collation, and that's what caused the whole problem.


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