Before SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Manager made it easy, I used this script to figure out how much disk space a table took up, and the "real" (average, at least) width of a row.
-- Lists the tables in the selected database and the disk space they use. -- Also displays the average 'width' of each row in each table. SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @sSourceDB AS sysname SET @sSourceDB = 'Northwind' -- <====== Set this value. -- Holds the space used for each table. Column names reflect sp_spaceused(). CREATE TABLE #SpaceUsed ( name VARCHAR(128), rows VARCHAR(11), reserved VARCHAR(18), data VARCHAR(18), index_size VARCHAR(18), unused VARCHAR(18) ) -- Create and open a cursor on the tables. DECLARE curTables CURSOR FOR SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_CATALOG = @sSourceDB AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' OPEN curTables -- Iterate the cursor, populating #SpaceUsed for each table from sp_spaceused(). DECLARE @sTableName sysname FETCH NEXT FROM curTables INTO @sTableName WHILE 0 = @@FETCH_STATUS BEGIN DECLARE @sSql SYSNAME SET @sSql = 'EXEC ' + @sSourceDB + '..sp_executesql N''INSERT #SpaceUsed EXEC sp_spaceused ' + @sTableName + '''' PRINT @sSql EXEC(@sSql) FETCH NEXT FROM curTables INTO @sTableName END CLOSE curTables DEALLOCATE curTables -- Display results. SELECT name AS 'Table Name', rows AS 'Row Count', CASE CAST(REPLACE(rows, ' KB', '') AS INT) WHEN 0 THEN 'N/A' ELSE 1024 * CAST(REPLACE(data, ' KB', '') AS INT) / CAST(REPLACE(rows, ' KB', '') AS INT) END AS 'Avg Bytes/Row', data AS 'Data Space +', index_size AS 'Index(es) Space +', unused AS 'Unused Space =', reserved AS 'Total Space' FROM #SpaceUsed ORDER BY CAST(REPLACE(reserved, ' KB', '') AS INT) DESC -- Done. DROP TABLE #SpaceUsed
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