Using CMS, we can get a list of all the (scheduled and enabled) Jobs on all the servers that have no email (nor page, nor netsend) notification set up for Failure. This can be useful to find Jobs that are silently failing, and even Jobs that are no longer in use.
-- Find scheduled and enabled Jobs that aren't notifying on failure.
set nocount on
-- notify_level_email
-- 0 - Never
-- 1 - On success
-- 2 - On failure
-- 3 - Always
select as 'Job Name'
from msdb..sysjobs j
join msdb..sysjobschedules js
on j.job_id = js.job_id
where j.enabled = 1
and j.notify_level_email not in (2, 3)
and j.notify_level_page not in (2, 3)
and j.notify_level_netsend not in (2, 3)
and not like 'CDW\_%' escape '\'
and not like 'dtexecRemote\_temp\_job\_%' escape '\'
and <> 'syspolicy_purge_history'
and <> 'MySpecialJob'
and @@servername not in ('MYSERVER1', 'MYSERVER2')
order by