Saturday, November 5, 2011

SSIS: "And If You've Made it Wrong..."

Old Cross Cut Saw

When you start working with SSIS, there's one thing nobody mentions: you have to learn a new syntax for expressions. It's not T-SQL, it's not VB.NET, it's not JavaScript, it's not like anything you've made before. It's "SSIS Expression Syntax", and you can learn all about it at Integration Services Expression Reference. (And yes, I'm pretty sure "it won't keep you comin' back for more"!)

I bring this up because until you understand this, you're going to think SSIS was written in FORTRAN, because anytime you have to enter an expression, nothing works. Ever. For example, let's write an expression in T-SQL to strip out all occurrences of the hex 12 (0x0C, "FF") character from a string. Simple, right?

-- T-SQL code.  Don't try this in SSIS. 
SET @FF = 0X0C

SET @Msg = 'Hello ' + @FF + 'SSIS'

SET @Msg = REPLACE(@Msg, 0x0C, '')

The output, depending on your font, collation, codepage, which version of Windows you're using, and hat size, will look something like this:

Hello §SSIS
Hello SSIS

So, we've proven we know how to use the REPLACE function in T-SQL. Admirable, but it doesn't help us in SSIS. That is, this doesn't work:

REPLACE(SampleBeg, 0x0C, '')

Try that expression there, and you'll get the usual non-helpful error SSIS message stack. For some reason, SSIS likes double-quotes, not single-quotes, and of course has its own unique way of expressing character constants in hex:

REPLACE(SampleBeg, "\x000C", "")

I'm sure there are excellent reasons why SSIS is such a Frankenstein's monster. When you're building something that might not be such a good idea to begin with, you're going to find some funky design choices forced on you, and my guess is that's what happened with SSIS. All I know is, the way it's been designed, it will be a long time before I can get it to do what I want.

Friday, November 4, 2011

How Much Data Is In That Column?

This is a special-purpose script, but it still may be useful to someone, someday.


Imagine you have many tables with similar filenames and the same column names. This might happen if the tables are created automatically by a Job on a daily basis, for example. For each column you specify, this script displays the declared width, the average number of characters stored, and the minimum and maximum number of characters stored, and it does this across all tables matching a LIKE pattern than you also specify.

This script might be useful if you wanted to see the average "fullness" of each column, or how big the widest value is for a given column. This might be good to know if you're planning to copy data from this column to another table, for example.

/* Sample setup code:                                                          
 USE AdventureWorks                                                            
 IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Invoice_2011_10') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Invoice_2011_10
 IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Invoice_2011_11') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Invoice_2011_11
 IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Invoice_2011_12') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Invoice_2011_12
 CREATE TABLE dbo.Invoice_2011_10 (AccountNumber INT, Comment NVARCHAR(50))    
 CREATE TABLE dbo.Invoice_2011_11 (AccountNumber INT, Comment NVARCHAR(50))    
 CREATE TABLE dbo.Invoice_2011_12 (AccountNumber INT, Comment NVARCHAR(50))    
 INSERT dbo.Invoice_2011_10 (AccountNumber, Comment) VALUES (  2, 'ABC')       
 INSERT dbo.Invoice_2011_11 (AccountNumber, Comment) VALUES (234, 'ABCDEF')    
 INSERT dbo.Invoice_2011_12 (AccountNumber, Comment) VALUES (234, 'ABCDEFGHI') 
 -- Now set the values as follows, and run this script.                        
 --     @SchemaName  is 'dbo'                                                  
 --     @TableFormat is 'Invoice_2011%'                                        
 --     @tColumns    should contain 'AccountNumber' and 'Comment' *only*       


-- These are the variables you need to set.  There are no changes necessary    
-- after this section.                                                         

-- The schema for the tables. 
DECLARE @SchemaName sysname = 'dbo'

-- The LIKE format for all the tables you want to examine. 
DECLARE @TableFormat sysname = 'Invoice_2011%'

-- The set of column names in the set of tables you want to report on. 
DECLARE @tColumns TABLE (ColumnName sysname)

INSERT @tColumns
     , ('Comment')

-- Variables (you don't need to change these).                                 

DECLARE @TableName    sysname       = ''
DECLARE @ColumnName   sysname       = ''

DECLARE @Sql          NVARCHAR(MAX) = ' '                                 + CHAR(10)
                                    + 'SET NOCOUNT ON'                    + CHAR(10)
                                    + 'SET STATISTICS IO OFF'             + CHAR(10)
                                    + ' '                                 + CHAR(10)
                                    + 'DECLARE @tTotals TABLE '           + CHAR(10)
                                    + '    (ColumnName   sysname,'        + CHAR(10)
                                    + '     Example      NVARCHAR(MAX), ' + CHAR(10)
                                    + '     AverageLen   INT, '           + CHAR(10)
                                    + '     MaximumLen   INT, '           + CHAR(10)
                                    + '     DeclaredSize INT) '           + CHAR(10)

-- The *COLUMNAME* is just a placeholder; each column will call REPLACE with 
-- its name from the set you specified above.  Done this way to keep all the 
-- variables you need to change in one place, and at the top of the file. 
DECLARE @ColumnsSQL   NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'QUOTENAME(''*COLUMNNAME*''), '            + CHAR(10)
                                    + '       MIN([*COLUMNNAME*]), '             + CHAR(10)
                                    + '       AVG(DATALENGTH([*COLUMNNAME*])), ' + CHAR(10)
                                    + '       MAX(DATALENGTH([*COLUMNNAME*])), ' + CHAR(10)


-- Process each table that matches the LIKE expression.                        

RAISERROR('All column sizes are in bytes, not characters.', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT

 SELECT name
   FROM sys.tables
  WHERE name LIKE @TableFormat ESCAPE '$'
    AND type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
       AND SCHEMA_ID(@SchemaName) = schema_id
  ORDER BY name

OPEN curTables
FETCH NEXT FROM curTables INTO @TableName

    SET @Sql += ' '                                                                              + CHAR(10)
             +  'RAISERROR('' '', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT'                                            + CHAR(10)
             +  'RAISERROR(''Table ' + @SchemaName + '.' + @TableName + ''', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT' + CHAR(10)

    SET @ColLengthSQL = '       MIN(COL_LENGTH(''' 
                      + @SchemaName + '.' + @TableName 
                      + ''', ''*COLUMNNAME*'')) ' + CHAR(10)
    -- Process each column in the set. 
        SELECT ColumnName
          FROM @tColumns
    OPEN curColumns
    FETCH NEXT FROM curColumns INTO @ColumnName
        -- Some types don't support MIN, etc. 
                     FROM sys.columns   c
                     JOIN sys.types     t
                       ON c.system_type_id = t.system_type_id
                    WHERE IN ('uniqueidentifier', 'bit', 'xml')
                      AND c.object_id = OBJECT_ID(@SchemaName + '.' + @TableName)
                      AND = @ColumnName)
            RAISERROR('Skipping %s.%s.%s because type is unsupported', 10, 1, @SchemaName, @TableName, @ColumnName) WITH NOWAIT
            FETCH NEXT FROM curColumns INTO @ColumnName

        -- Build the INSERT statement. 
        SET @Sql += ' '                               + CHAR(10)
                 +  'INSERT @tTotals (ColumnName, '   + CHAR(10)
                 +  '                 Example, '      + CHAR(10)
                 +  '                 AverageLen, '   + CHAR(10)
                 +  '                 MaximumLen, '   + CHAR(10)
                 +  '                 DeclaredSize) ' + CHAR(10)
                 +  'SELECT '
        SET @Sql += REPLACE(@ColumnsSQL + @ColLengthSQL, '*COLUMNNAME*', @ColumnName)
                 +  '  FROM ' + @SchemaName + '.' + @TableName + CHAR(10)
                 +  ' WHERE ' + QUOTENAME(@ColumnName) + ' IS NOT NULL '  + CHAR(10)
        SET @Sql += ' '                                                                + CHAR(10)
                 +  'RAISERROR(''    Column ' + @ColumnName + ''', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT' + CHAR(10)
        FETCH NEXT FROM curColumns INTO @ColumnName
    CLOSE curColumns
    DEALLOCATE curColumns

    FETCH NEXT FROM curTables INTO @TableName
CLOSE curTables

-- Done with the tables.  Display the results.                                 

SET @Sql += ' '                                                     + CHAR(10)
         +  'RAISERROR('' '', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT'                   + CHAR(10)
         +  ' '                                                     + CHAR(10)
         +  '  SELECT ColumnName          AS [Column Name], '       + CHAR(10)
         +  '         MAX(Example)        AS [Example], '           + CHAR(10)
         +  '         AVG(AverageLen)     AS [Average Length], '    + CHAR(10)
         +  '         MAX(MaximumLen)     AS [Maximum Length], '    + CHAR(10)
         +  '         MIN(DeclaredSize)   AS [Declared Size] '      + CHAR(10)
         +  '    FROM @tTotals '                                    + CHAR(10)
         +  'GROUP BY ColumnName '                                  + CHAR(10)
         +  'ORDER BY ColumnName '                                  
EXEC (@Sql)

-- PRINT is limited to 8000 bytes.  There are better solutions out there. 

WHILE @Idx < LEN(@Sql)
    PRINT SUBSTRING(@Sql, @Idx, 4000)
    SET @Idx += 4000