Friday, April 9, 2010

Convert Any Integer Type to a Hex String

Here's a user-defined function to take any integer from a TINYINT to a BIGINT and return it as a hex number in a VARCHAR like '0x01033FA2':

-- Drop any existing function.

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Hexadecimal') IS NOT NULL
   RAISERROR('Dropping user-defined function Hexadecimal', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG
   DROP FUNCTION dbo.Hexadecimal

-- Create function to take any integer input and return hex as a string.

RAISERROR('Creating user-defined function Hexadecimal', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Hexadecimal(@vbInput VARBINARY(255))
 DECLARE @sResult   VARCHAR(18)  SET @sResult   = '0x'
 DECLARE @i         INT          SET @i         = 1
 DECLARE @nInputLen INT          SET @nInputLen = DATALENGTH(@vbInput)
 DECLARE @nChar     INT          SET @nChar     = 0
 DECLARE @nHiInt    INT          SET @nHiInt    = 0
 DECLARE @nLoInt    INT          SET @nLoInt    = 0

 WHILE (@i <= @nInputLen)
  SET @nChar  = CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING(@vbInput, @i, 1))
  SET @nHiInt = FLOOR(@nChar / 16)
  SET @nLoInt = @nChar - (@nHiInt * 16)

  SET @sResult = @sResult +
       SUBSTRING('0123456789ABCDEF', @nHiInt + 1, 1) +
       SUBSTRING('0123456789ABCDEF', @nLoInt + 1, 1)
  SET @i = @i + 1

 RETURN @sResult


RAISERROR('Created  user-defined function Hexadecimal', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG

/* Testing.
declare @return char(18)  set @return = ''
declare @bit    bit       set @bit    = 1
declare @tiny   tinyint   set @tiny   = 255
declare @small  smallint  set @small  = 32767
declare @int    int       set @int    = 2147483647
declare @big    bigint    set @big    = 9223372036854775807

print '@bit   maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@bit)
print '@tiny  maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@tiny)
print '@small maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@small)
print '@int   maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@int)
print '@big   maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@big)
-- End testing. */

Deleting User Objects in Master Database

This script erases everything in the master database that is not Microsoft-shipped. Be careful: some user objects belong in the master database (database triggers, security objects, for example). Backing up the master database first would be a prudent step.

-- Drops all user objects that have been accidentally created in the master database.
USE master

DECLARE @sName     sysname
DECLARE @sType     NVARCHAR(1024)
DECLARE @nScore    INT
DECLARE @sSql      NVARCHAR(1024)

 SELECT name, type_desc
   FROM sys.objects
  WHERE is_ms_shipped = 0

OPEN TheCursor

 INTO @sName, @sTypeDesc

 SET @sType  = REVERSE(@sTypeDesc)
 SET @nScore = CHARINDEX('_', @sType)
 SET @sType  = SUBSTRING(@sType, 0, @nScore)
 SET @sType  = REVERSE(@sType)

 SET @sSql = 'DROP ' + @sType + ' ' + @sName
 RAISERROR('%s', 10, 1, @sSql) WITH NOWAIT 
 EXEC sp_sqlexec @sSql
  INTO @sName, @sTypeDesc

CLOSE TheCursor

PRINT 'Done.'

(Practically) Fool-Proof Backups

A script and batch file that practically anyone can run, no matter how non-technical. The batch file prompts you for backup path, server, and instance, and then calls the SQL script.

: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Prompts user for info and calls the SQL script to do the backup.             
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Copyright 2010  Larry Leonard, Definitive Solutions Inc.                     
: Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are     
: permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and    
: this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is, without any          
: warranty.                                                                    
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

@echo off
prompt $g
@echo %date% %time%

: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Display free disk space.
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('dir ^ find /i "bytes free"') do set freeMB=%%a
set freeMB=%freeMB:~0,-8%
@echo Disk Space Free: %freeMB% MB

: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Prompt the user.
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

set /p   TargetServerAndInstance=Server and Instance  ("Enter" for default)?
if     "%TargetServerAndInstance%"==""  set TargetServerAndInstance="UNICORN\SQL2008EXPRESS"

set /p   BackupFolder            =Backup Folder        ("Enter" for default)?
if     "%BackupFolder%"           ==""  set BackupFolder="C:\TEMP"

: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Build command string.  For information on sqlcmd.exe, see:
:    -a    Requests a packet of a different size
:    -S    Server\instance
:    -i    Input script name
:    -o    Output script name
:    -w    Column width
:    -m    All headers are returned with messages
:    -b    sqlcmd exits and returns a DOS ERRORLEVEL value when an error occurs
:    -r    Redirects the error message output to the screen
:    -v    Declare $(variable_name)
:    -V    Lowest severity level sqlcmd reports
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

set SqlCmdCommand=sqlcmd.exe
if not "%TargetServerAndInstance%"=="" set SqlCmdCommand=sqlcmd.exe -S %TargetServerAndInstance%
set SqlCmdCommand=%SqlCmdCommand% -r 1 -b -m-1 -V 1 -a 32767 -w 2000
set SqlCmdCommand=%SqlCmdCommand% -i BackupAllDatabases.sql
set SqlCmdCommand=%SqlCmdCommand% -o BackupAllDatabases.txt
set SqlCmdCommand=%SqlCmdCommand% -v BackupFolder=%BackupFolder%

: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Call the backup SQL script.
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

if not exist "@BackupFolder" mkdir "@BackupFolder"
if errorlevel 1 goto l_error

@echo on
@echo off
if errorlevel 1 goto l_error

: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Done.
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

goto l_done

@echo                             *** AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED! ***

@echo %date% %time%

Notepad.exe BackupAllDatabases.txt


prompt $p$g

The SQL script backs up all user databases and their logs, and the master and msdb system databases.

-- Called by BackupAllDatabases.bat to backup all databases and their logs.
-- The path set in @sBackupFolder must exist - this script will not create it.
-- Copyright 2010  Larry Leonard, Definitive Solutions Inc.               
-- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
-- permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and
-- this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.

-- MUST be set as shown to support indexes on computed columns, indexed views.
SET ANSI_NULLS ON                                 -- Deprecated: leave set ON. 
SET ANSI_PADDING ON                               -- Deprecated: leave set ON. 
SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON                              -- No trailing blanks saved. 
SET ARITHABORT ON                                 -- Math failure not ignored. 
SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON                    -- NULL plus string is NULL. 
SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF                        -- Allows loss of precision. 
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON                          -- Allows reserved keywords. 

-- These are not, strictly speaking, required, but are generally good practice.
SET NOCOUNT ON                                    -- Minimize network traffic. 
SET ROWCOUNT 0                                    -- Reset in case it got set. 
SET XACT_ABORT ON                                 -- Make transactions behave. 

-- These are the only variables which you are required to provide a value for. 
DECLARE @sBackupFolder NVARCHAR(260)
SET     @sBackupFolder = 'C:\Temp'

-- Create a file-system friendly date. 
SET @sDate = REPLACE(@sDate, 'T', '_')
SET @sDate = REPLACE(@sDate, ':', '-')

-- Create the commands. 

SET @sSql =''
 + 'IF  ''?'' NOT IN (''model'', ''tempdb'') '
 + 'AND ''?'' NOT LIKE ''ReportServer$%'' '
 + ''
 + 'BEGIN '
 + ' RAISERROR(''Starting backup of database ?.'', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT '
 + ''
 + '   TO DISK = ''' + @sBackupFolder + '\?_dat_' + @sDate + '.bak '''
 + '   WITH '
 + '   NOFORMAT, '
 + '   NOINIT, '
 + '   NAME = ''? - Full Database Backup - ' + @sDate + ''', '
 + '   SKIP, '
 + '   STATS = 10; '
 + ''
 + ' IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'', ''msdb'') '
 + ' BEGIN '
 + ' BACKUP LOG [?] '
 + '    TO DISK = ''' + @sBackupFolder + '\?_log_' + @sDate + '.bak '''
 + '    WITH '
 + '    NOFORMAT, '
 + '    NOINIT, '
 + '    NAME = ''? - Full Log Backup - ' + @sDate + ''', '
 + '    SKIP, '
 + '    STATS = 10; '
 + ' END '
 + ''
 + 'END; '

-- Run the commands for each database. 
USE master
EXEC sp_MsForEachDb @sSql

-- Done.

Pretty much anyone should be able to run this.

Adding a Clustered Index - Carefully

This script is useful if you need to add a Primary Key / clustered index on a table, but cannot know if the table already has a clustered index on another column, or if the column you're trying to cluster already has a non-clustered index on it.

-- Constraint_Add_PK_Clustered.sql - Very careful way to add a Primary Key     
--                 backed by a clustered index.  Checks for an existing        
--                 clustered index that was created by a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE 
--                 constraint. Checks whether the column is already in use in  
--                 an existing index.                                          
-- Note: In SSMS, press Ctrl-Shift-M to pop a dialog box for entering values.  
-- Copyright 2010  Larry Leonard, Definitive Solutions Inc.                    
-- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are    
-- permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and   
-- this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.

DECLARE @sIndexNameToDrop  sysname
DECLARE @sSql              NVARCHAR(4000)
DECLARE @sMsg              NVARCHAR(440)

-- Check for any existing clustered index that was created by a PRIMARY KEY
-- or UNIQUE constraint.  Must use ALTER TABLE to remove these - can't use
-- DROP INDEX on constraints.

SET @sIndexNameToDrop = NULL

SELECT @sIndexNameToDrop = name
  FROM sys.indexes
 WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable>')
   AND type_desc = 'CLUSTERED'
   AND (is_unique_constraint = 1 OR is_primary_key = 1)

IF @sIndexNameToDrop IS NOT NULL
    RAISERROR('Dropping existing PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint %s on table <table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable>', 10, 1, @sIndexNameToDrop ) WITH NOWAIT, LOG

    SET @sSql = 'ALTER TABLE <schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable> DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @sIndexNameToDrop
    PRINT @sSql

-- If there's a non-clustered index, or a clustered index that was created by 
-- an ADD INDEX, and the column we are wanting to cluster is the *only* column 
-- in the index, we want to drop it - *unless* it's a clustered one, and is 
-- *only* on the column we are wanting to cluster.  Since we're only looking 
-- at indexes with only one column, we don't have to check that the column is 
-- not 'included'.

SET @sIndexNameToDrop = NULL

SELECT @sIndexNameToDrop =
  FROM sys.indexes                    AS si
  JOIN sys.index_columns              AS sic
    ON si.object_id  = sic.object_id
   AND si.index_id   = sic.index_id
  JOIN sys.columns                    AS sc
    ON sic.column_id = sc.column_id
   AND sic.object_id = sc.object_id
 WHERE si.object_id  = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable>')
   AND NOT ( IN ('<column_name, sysname, Column>') AND si.type_desc = 'CLUSTERED')
   AND (si.is_unique_constraint = 0 AND si.is_primary_key = 0)
   AND 1 =
          (SELECT COUNT(*)
             FROM sys.index_columns
            WHERE object_id    = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable>')
              AND key_ordinal <> 0
              AND column_id   <> 0)

IF @sIndexNameToDrop IS NOT NULL
    RAISERROR('Dropping existing index on table <schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable>, column <column_name, sysname, Column>', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG

    SET @sSql = 'DROP INDEX ' + @sIndexNameToDrop + ' ON <schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable>'
    PRINT @sSql

-- Now add the clustered index.
RAISERROR('Adding <set_as_primary_key, NVARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY> clustered index to <database_name, sysname, MyDB>''s <table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable> table', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG

ALTER TABLE <schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name_prefix, sysname, tbl><table_name, sysname, ThisTable> WITH CHECK
  ADD CONSTRAINT PK_<table_name, sysname, ThisTable> <set_as_primary_key, NVARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY> CLUSTERED (<column_name, sysname, Column>)
 WITH (PAD_INDEX = ON, FILLFACTOR = <fill_factor, INT, 70>)

See BOL for info on how to create and use templates.