Here's a user-defined function to take any integer from a TINYINT to a BIGINT and return it as a hex number in a VARCHAR like '0x01033FA2':
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Drop any existing function. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Hexadecimal') IS NOT NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('Dropping user-defined function Hexadecimal', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG DROP FUNCTION dbo.Hexadecimal END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create function to take any integer input and return hex as a string. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAISERROR('Creating user-defined function Hexadecimal', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Hexadecimal(@vbInput VARBINARY(255)) RETURNS VARCHAR(18) WITH EXECUTE AS CALLER AS BEGIN DECLARE @sResult VARCHAR(18) SET @sResult = '0x' DECLARE @i INT SET @i = 1 DECLARE @nInputLen INT SET @nInputLen = DATALENGTH(@vbInput) DECLARE @nChar INT SET @nChar = 0 DECLARE @nHiInt INT SET @nHiInt = 0 DECLARE @nLoInt INT SET @nLoInt = 0 WHILE (@i <= @nInputLen) BEGIN SET @nChar = CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING(@vbInput, @i, 1)) SET @nHiInt = FLOOR(@nChar / 16) SET @nLoInt = @nChar - (@nHiInt * 16) SET @sResult = @sResult + SUBSTRING('0123456789ABCDEF', @nHiInt + 1, 1) + SUBSTRING('0123456789ABCDEF', @nLoInt + 1, 1) SET @i = @i + 1 END RETURN @sResult END GO RAISERROR('Created user-defined function Hexadecimal', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT, LOG /* Testing. declare @return char(18) set @return = '' declare @bit bit set @bit = 1 declare @tiny tinyint set @tiny = 255 declare @small smallint set @small = 32767 declare @int int set @int = 2147483647 declare @big bigint set @big = 9223372036854775807 print '@bit maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@bit) print '@tiny maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@tiny) print '@small maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@small) print '@int maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@int) print '@big maximum is: ' + dbo.Hexadecimal(@big) -- End testing. */